1. Acknowledgment and acceptance of terms of use

Grimeywear S.L. (holder), Spanish company in C/ Cincel, 2 - 28522 Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Madrid) and C.I.F. B-86141272 is holder of grimey.com URL http://www.grimey.com service. The service grimey.com is provided to be used thanks to terms and conditions of this agreement of terms and conditions of service grimey.com in accordance with operating rules and regulations published periodically by grimey.com.The document supposes a complete agreement between user and titular and prevails on any previous agreement signed by parts in relation with the actual object.This legal notice and information service regulate the use of grimey.com. The contractor makes it available to Internet users.

2. Description of the service

Services provided by Grimey.com are selling products through Internet. The owner makes it available to web user, free for information and product storefront. Prices are fixed for each article and are visible before purchasing the product from our service.Prices exposed in grimey.com, include 21% of TVA. Prices on the website are the final prices except for typographical errors. The discount or discounted products are made as such as, indicating the appropriate discount applied. All prices are in Euros.The owner has the possibility to modify the price of some products without notice. For general information and the help on the purchase of products you can contact us by mail or by phone in the contact page. Information on cost of delivery could be seen from this address:Cost of deliveryInformation on way to pay could be seen from this address:Way to payInformation on returns could be seen from this address:ReturnsThe owner can, on the future, provide the new content user, services, products or additional facilities, whether or not free, to increase the benefits available to the user.The owner can reserves the right to cancel any content, services or utilities included grimey.com service.

3. Extern links

The contractor isn’t responsible for editing, review and censorship of information, and will verify the contents of the pages or sites to which the user is connected through the service grimey.comTherefore, grimey.com isn’t responsible for the verification of compliance with rules protecting copyright, legality or decency of the content pages that are accessed through the service grimey.com, will not be responsible for the banners displayed in the lists of links grimey.com service, as there are not the property of the contractor.

4. Privacy policy

The user declares that he accepts full privacy policy of grimey.com service data that can be viewed at the following address: Privacy Policy

5. Changes in terms of service

The user accept that the owner could, when he considers it’s evident, realize corrections, ameliorations or modifications on the information or services, without reclamation or indemnisation, without implication of responsability. The use uninterrupted by the user of grimey.com constitutes a ratification of this document, with amendments and changes were introduced.

6. Changes of the service

For the same reasons earlier mentioned, the contractor can modify or interrupt grimey.com service mediated or not having notice to the user. The Contractor won’t be responsible to the user for having exercised his right of modifying or interrupting grimey.com service.

7. Exoneration of responsibility

The user declares to be adult or to have parents’ or legal tutor’s consentment to realize the purchase. The user accepts to assume exclusively all risks from the utilization of grimey.com service. This service is provided on the basis of “as it is” and “if it is available”. The contractor doesn’t guarantee that the service answers to the user’s requirements or that the service isn’t interrupted or that is safe, timely or error free, no ensures the results obtained from the use of the service. Or the accuracy or reliability of the information obtained through the service. Doesn’t guarantee the correction of defects in the service.The contractor denies provides any tips of guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, including guarantees implicitly according to the title, aptitude for the sale, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The user declares understand and accept that material and/or information download of the system or obtained through the utilization of the service have a risk for his compt. He will be the unic responsible for the damages caused to your computer system or lost of data.The contractor doesn’t guarantee about goods, services purchased or obtained through the service or the transactions made through the service.No recommendation or information obtained by user, directly of grimey.com or through the service, either oral or written, may be considered a guarantee of the owner if it has not been expressly assumed here.

8. Limitation of responsibility

The contractor isn’t responsible by the impossibility to use, the interruption of business directly or indirectly, specificities, indents or consequences of any type (including the lost of benefits) without having regardness of how the fact had occurred. Outside this contractual, culpable (including the lost of negligence), responsibility by the product or any other form, assumption that grimey.com had warned of the possibility of such damages.

9. Prohibition of resale or commercial use of the service

The utilization of the service is personal for only users. The user accepts to don’t assign or make any commercial use of the service without the express consent of the owner.

10. User behaviour

The user is the unic responsible by the content of transmissions through the service. The use of the service is subject to local laws and regulations, provincial, regional, national and international.The user accepts: (1) don’t use the service with illegal ends, without prohibition on the document; (2) don’t interfere on networks systems connected with the service, “dismantle them”; (3)  follow all rules, dispositions and procedures of network systems connected with the service.The user don’t hinder the use of grimey.com service of other user, the use of similar services by others entities.The contactor can, according to your own criterion; give by terms the grimey.com services in immediate forms, if the behave of the user isn’t on agreement with this terms and conditions.

11. Indemnisation

The user accepts to indemnise and exempt responsibility to the contractor and his subsidiaries of any reclamation or request, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, presented by thirds as a consequence of the use of grimey.com service by the user, or by the infraction by the user as provided herein, as the infraction of the user or other user of grimey.com service mediation of computer of the user, intellect property, industrial or right of a person physic or juridical.

12. End of the relation

The user as the contractor can finalize the service on any moment, without notice, with justification or without, and decision will be immediately effective. The contractor won’t be responsible before the user by the end of grimey.com service.If the disagree of the user of terms and condition of the present agreement or any modification, if he isn’t satisfact of grimey.com service, the unic immediate resource that worth is: (1) interrupt the use of the service; (2) cancel its subscription at the service; (3) notify at the contractor the termination.Upon termination of the service immediately ceases user’s rights to use the service and software grimey.com

13. Notifications

All the notification between parts must be effectuated by writing and send it either by e-mail or the postal system. The contractor can transmit notifications or messages through service to inform the user about changes to this agreement, the service grimey.com or other important issues. Such transmissions shall be deemed notifications to the user.

14. Rights of property of the content

The user recognizes that the content, include but no limited, texts, software, music, sound, photografies, video, illustrations and other material that is found on the presentation on grimey.com service (“content”), by contractor or suppliers of the contractor, is protected by intellectual property rights, patents and trademarks are registered trademarks, service marks, and other rights resulting from intellectual property; for them, empowering the user to use this content as expressly authorized in that grimey.com service. For the user, it is prohibited to copy, reduce, distribute or make creations based on this content without the express permission grimey.com service, not permit third parties to perform.

15. General terms

The present agreement shall be governed by Spanish law, the parties shall submit any dispute arising out of this agreement to the courts of Madrid (Spain).The user won’t assign any right or obligation arising under this agreement, except with express written consent of holder. Any attempt to assign the agreement without such consent shall be void and no effect at all. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the contractor shall be entitled to assign this agreement with all its rights and obligations either by selling the service, dissolution, division, merger or any other form of transmission. This contract will be the application binding and effect between the parties and their respective representatives, heirs, administrators, successors and holders of authorized transmissions, except as provided herein.If a competent tribunal will consider that any provision or provisions of this agreement is contrary to law, such or such provisions will be rewritten so  to reflect as closely as possible the intentions of the parts, while the other provisions shall remain valid and enforceable.In the event that any provision of this agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the invalid or unenforceable and remaining provisions of the agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.Any waiver at the right of reclamation (explicitly or implicitly) of any parts an infraction of the present agreement won’t constitute waiver to the right of a reclamation of other subsequent infraction.Don’t give up anything in the agreement for any act, omission or lack of one of the parties or their representatives or employees, except through a written instrument signed which expressly waives this provision.The section headings herein are used solely for the convenience of the parties and have no legal or contractual significance.

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